Veteran and Family Well-Being Series

Stepped Care Approach to Pain Management

December 2, 2020
12:00pm – 1:00pm EST
Event Overview

How can care teams provide a range of pain management options that are personalized to the individual patient? This 60-minute virtual symposium will discuss the “stepped care model”, a personalized pain management program based on the individual patient’s needs and responses to different types of pain management therapies. These therapies are gradually increased or decreased based on the individual needs and past medical experiences of the patient or Veteran. Speakers will be available to answer audience questions live at the end of each presentation.

Dr. Patricia Poulin and Regina Visca, both affiliated with Centre of Excellence partner clinics will begin the presentation with an overview of the stepped care model, its evolution, and how it is applied in their respective clinical practices. Their presentation will be followed by Dr. Diane Flynn who will discuss her personal experiences with stepped care and will then explore specifically how the stepped care model has been applied in DOD.

  • Dr. Diane Flynn is a Family Physician, Primary Care Advisory, and Pain Outcomes Researcher with the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD).
  • Dr. Patricia Poulin is a Clinical Health and Rehabilitation Psychologist at The Ottawa Hospital Pain Clinic, an Associate Scientist at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, and a Clinical Professor at University of Ottawa within the Faculty of Graduate Studies – Department of Psychology, and the Faculty of Medicine – Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine.
  • Regina Visca, PhD Candidate, is the administrative director of the McGill RUIS Centre of Expertise in Chronic Pain, works with the Quebec provincial Ministry for Health and Social Services, and is leading the development, implementation and evaluation of a hierarchical network of services from primary to tertiary level care for the management of chronic pain.
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