Data Visualization

June 26, 2024
Event Overview

This workshop introduces participants to the importance of data visualization and connecting research data to a story. Participants are presented with various types of visual data and offered methods to improve the use of the data with a goal of broadening the impact of the research behind it. Whether you are a Canadian Veteran or clinician looking to understand more about the different types of visual data, or a researcher looking for ways to present data that will lead to broader impact, this workshop will be for you.

Register Now For Free
Complete the form below to register for this event. This virtual event will be streamed live and will be accessible in both official languages. The day before the event, registrants will receive an email with a link to watch the webinar.
Do you have a specific question for our speakers related to the webinar you will be attending?Note: While we will try to answer as many questions as possible, we may not answer all questions during our live webinar. If your question is not answered, please email us at so we can give you the answers you need.
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