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The Chronic Pain Centre of Excellence for Canadian Veterans (CPCoE) recognizes the significance of the report tabled today by the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs Canada (ACVA). Titled “Invisible no more. The experiences of Canadian Women Veterans.”, the report marks a notable moment in our country’s history to recognize and acknowledge the experiences of women Veterans.

The CPCoE was pleased to present to the ACVA on the unique impact that service has on female Veterans, including higher rates of chronic pain post-service than their male counterparts. Importantly, the report also highlights the pervasive problem of workplace sexual violence and trauma in police and military service settings. The report gives voice to many experiences that women Veterans in Canada have sadly endured for decades.

"For too long, the unique experience of women Veterans has blended in with that of their male comrades-in-arms. It is finally today, after more than a year of work by the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs, that there is recognition of their unique stories,” comments Hélène Le Scelleur, Captain (Retired) and Vice-Chair of the Advisory Council for Veterans, CPCoE. “This report will play an important role in shaping the treatments and services provided to the women who have served and sacrificed a part of themselves in service to their country. This is an important day for Canada’s women service personnel, both active and retired, and I am proud to be a part of it."

The CPCoE looks forward to the implementation of the report’s recommendations to improve the wellbeing of female service members who have and continue to make significant contributions to the Canadian Armed Forces and Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

We remain committed to our mission of keeping hope alive for Canadians Veterans living with chronic pain and will continue to collaborate with stakeholders to ensure that our female Veterans are supported, seen, and heard.  

To read the full report:

Retired Captain Hélène Le Scelleur spoke on CTV News about the report. We echo and support Hélène's comments on the report and admire her experiences.

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